Medication Policy

Hillside’s Medication Policy requires that the Hillside Nursing Staff be notified of all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications for all boarding and day students. Students may not possess, deliver, or self-administer medication unless authorized by a school nurse. Prescription or OTC medications, including cold medication and nutritional supplements, may not be mailed directly to students, but must be mailed or delivered directly to the Health Center. Medications given to students during school vacation breaks must be delivered to the Health Center upon arrival back on campus.

Hillside may not give medications without a signed doctor’s order and parental consent. Doctor’s orders, therefore, must be provided any time a medications is started, anytime there is a dose change, or anytime a medication is discontinued. Over-the-counter medications may be dispensed as appropriate only if parents or guardians have submitted a signed and authorized over-the-counter consent form. School nurses will supervise the storage and administration of all medications and follow Massachusetts Department of Public Health guidelines for delegating medication administration to non-nursing personnel (e.g. administrators, teachers, house parents, coaches).

Only a 30-day supply of medications, as supplied by Bouvier Pharmacy, including vitamins and supplements, may be stored at school per the Department of Public Health. Hillside may not accept or store large containers of medications (as when purchased by mail order or in bulk). Parents and guardians are responsible for keeping track of when medications need to be refilled or mailed. School nurses may make courtesy calls in some instances, but these calls will not be routine. Medication sent to school from Bouvier Pharmacy is for on-campus use. Please keep a supply of medication at home for your sons’ weekend or vacation use, especially for 5-day boarders. School nurses will, however, package meds for weekend visits to other students’ homes.