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Day in the Life

The life of a Hillside boarder is a busy one, particularly on weekdays when the rigorous schedule includes academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities — all before lights out! Our program is designed to keep boys engaged throughout the day. Naturally, much of the day is spent in our classrooms and tutorial center, but each evening also allows for time to socialize, exercise, and decompress.

Hillside dorms assignments are generally based on age and boarding status (five or seven day boarding) and much consideration is taken relative to room and house chemistry. All dorms are staffed by resident faculty who are supported by student leaders. These proctors and prefects take on a “big brother” role in many of the houses, helping to acclimate younger boarders to life on campus.

Boarding students are discouraged from spending time in their individual rooms during evening or weekend free time, but common areas offer opportunities for boys to partake in relaxing house activities, ranging from board games to movie marathons. Regular house challenges, such as the cleanest house competition, provide an extra chance for dorm-mates to bond.

Weekday Schedule

International Community

Learn about Hillside's truly international community.

International Community

Benefits of Boarding

Learn about Hillside's 5 or 7 day boarding program.

Boarding at Hillside

Parent Perspective

Hear from our parent community about their Hillside experience!

Parent Perspective